

Platonic quote

EU flag

Heroic comments by
UK Leaders Sir Nigel Farage
and Sir Nick Griffin

Sir Nigel Farage - Ms. Shannon Bream (Fox News) Interview
 RE: Soros

Italian wisdom above all!

True French humanism brilliance from Mme Marion Le Pen EU Leader 'elect'



 Latin quote:
Unius dementia dementes efficit multos:

"The madness of one man makes many mad"
migration madness

Clip excerpts from "Migrant" Documentary are shown below:

La grande nation? (The grand nation idea?) nah...
- Napoleon

See full video below:

(Migrant documentaries) (Available at rumble.com)

Ms. Emma Thompson,
actress shares her moments together with her
"adopted son" from the African country of Rwanda
from where he fled to Britain as a refugee and joined
her and her husband in a family union, suggesting
a possible course for others to similarly take perhaps.

Nigel Farage - Leader British MEP speech excerpts - just 14 seconds
Fair use claimed absolutely for this hereby proclaimed "fair use"
clip lasting a mere 15 seconds of a speech in Parliament in Brussels.
In the first part of the clip, Nigel suggests an EU president making more
than "President Obama" is disconcerting as a concept perhaps too, he
goes on to admit he doesn't want Europe to have global power but
desires instead to see the British back in those areas instead (doing
the same and getting the same results as previously we ask?)

British Leaders are openly "in disdain" of Europe says
this Member of Parliament at the EU of what seems to
be the mood they seem to be reflecting of their broader
constituents on the planet it seems to be, I fear to add.

(fair use claimed pursuant to relevant statute and common law

traditions as applicable in any event

British Columbia leadership
in multicultural
extremist fervour


An end is required to all hiring that is strictly only multi-culturally based (affirmative action, if you will) in respect of opposing mainstream merits