Mr. Michael Rizzo Chessman, Euro British
Coalition Leader tells all on Ukraine

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white lives do matter here most from detractors!!


Irish lives matter    Italian lives matter

Click here for bio of our founder 
Mr. Michael Rizzo Chessman

Celebrating 17 great years with our
hosting plan on
Euro British Coalition
"Top government leaders 
have been responding to our campaign"
Selected parliamentary responses to our campaign

Parliamentary Leadership and
Government Members

The Rt. Honourable Sir Malcolm Turnbull  Australia (Former
Prime Minister and Leader - Liberal Party) March 28th, 2010
Comment received from Mr. Turnbull:

thanks Michael for your email, all noted and appreciate your
Further related supportive email message received
February 25th, 2015

(now) UK
Prime Minister Boris Johnson - on record on
race inequity preached
by the mindset of leadership
of Cdn style of wisdom - response from him back at
the time, to our document challenging the sanity of
extremism here
(click here to view)

Related message to Ontario Attorney General on merit as the
overriding factor in the expression of view - ours being as
indicated unassailably Christianly spirited as we submit - then
and now amen
(Click the link to view/ right click to download)

The Rt. Honourable Ms. Julie Bishop MP,  Deputy Leader -
Liberal Party Minister of Foreign Affairs (Shadow) -
Australia October 25th,2009, April 16th, 2010 and on
other occasions since

Office of the Rt. Hon. Prime Minister of New Zealand 
Mr. John Key , March 4th, 2010 Office of the Honourable
Minister of Local Government New Zealand -
Mr. Rodney Hide, Leader - ACT Party various dates in 2010

Office of the Rt. Hon. Prime Minister of Ireland
(Taoiseach) Mr. Bertie Ahern, Jan 2, 2008
Office of the Rt. Hon Deputy Prime Minister Of Ireland
ánaiste) Ms. Mary Coughlan March 18th, 2010

Office of the Honourable Minister for Foreign Affairs for
Ireland, Mr. Dermot Ahern Febuary 4th, 2008
Office of the Honourable Minister of Communications for
Ireland, Mr. Eamon Ryan Febuary 2nd, 2008
Office of the Honourable Minister of Heritage for Ireland,
Mr. John Gormley April 20th, 2008, October 30th 2009
Office of the Honourable Minister of Culture for Ireland
Ms. Mary Hanafin April 14th, 2010

Office of the Rt. Hon. Sir Gordon Brown, Prime Minister of
Britain (UK), February 19th, 2008

Minister of Justice, Ireland The Rt. Hon. Mr. Alan Shatter,
May 13th 2011

The Honourable Mr. Jeremy Corbyn Labour MP British Parliament
December 12th, 2005
Comment from Mr. Corbyn:

"I live in London, am proud of London and happy here because of its
multi cultural, multi faith, multi ethnic lifestyle. I suggest you
re-think what you are actually promoting and consider what sort
of society you want to create for Canada.."

Hon Mr. Henry Smith, UK Member of Parliament, December 26th,
2020 (Foreign affairs committee - on final Brexit related

Office of the Rt. Hon. Ms. Harriet Harmon MP, Leader of the
Government in the British House of Commons, January 23rd, 2008

Office of Baroness Royall of Blaisdon at The British House of
Lords (Chief Whip), March 5th, 2008

On April 15th 2019 We received an email from a member of the
Senate of Canada expressing the view (as we read it) that not
enough people stand to benefit from our efforts against
"affirmative action" styled policies including multiculturalism

This was my response sent by return email:
Well I must say sir, that the negation of merit in favour of
lesser choices when harm and  cruelty of sorts undoubtedly
accompanies such policies - most likely against our very best
spirit - when this occurs, there is certainly evil in what is the
outcome. And when this is  inflicted with arguably malicious
and callous intensity then there can be no escaping the  
conclusion I put it to you sir, that this evil must be denounced
and "exposed' in that it is called  what it is, for the sake of the
christianly merited folks who are suffering - no matter what
the  number - as we will grow the numbers of decent human
beings - the best there can be - we  know who they are and
where they truly can be found and brought into our areas
in greater numbers - however for this to happen, for
them to get their due, for the world to go in an  altogether
different direction, the truth must be told as it is. I care not
for how much of an  inconvenience it is to those who would do
harm to our spirit - who are deserving of justice -  when evil
is all they want to  see  instead I submit and declare without
reservation now at long  last, once more finally  I believe into
the public arena in a manner as to be heard over all the  voices
that have been leading us astray as a planet for all too long
now Sir. ta!

Mr. Michael Rizzo Chessman - Founder and Leader -

Ms. Jenny Kwan, British Columbia MP in Canada sent an email
reminder to us on May 6th 2019 to indicate that while she had
tried to do something more for refugee claimants to come to
Canada (we had written specifically about the plight to whites
in South Africa facing persecution for their race despite their
merit in this regard instead), Ms. Kwan indicated that the
response she got from Minister Bill Blair (former well known
and popular Toronto Police Chief) was that he was willing to
reject our folks if need be on no better basis of thought on the
matter than the excuse that they might also be seeking asylum
elsewhere such as in neighbouring Australia and New Zealand
where so many have done well in goin to. Applying elsewhere
simultaneously he seems to say is all the feign he needs to be
so evil as to use that sort of an excuse to lock them out.
Shameful of a man we know to be a true Irish patriot of a
real Christianly spirit. We suggest he take the lead on our
ideas here and our merited matters and issues rather than
playing along with the witches mindset that is the stuff of the
current globalist type PM - Justin Trudeau - who doesn't
appear to be worthy of his fathers memory as a decent sort
of actual French Irishman sort instead of a pandering
neanderthal on the planet in general as he is instead.
we believe.

Our views in this regard were acknowledged in this case by
an email from The Private Secretary to the Minister of
Justice and "equality" in Ireland, on May 8th 2019.

The Honourable Ms. Erika Mann MEP German Member of the
European Parliament January 28th,2007

The Honourable Hon M. Alain Gouriou MP Member of the
Parliament of France January 28th,2007

The Honourable Ms. Luisa Morgantini MEP Italian Member of
the European Parliament June 5th, 2006
Comment from Ms. Morgantini: "I really hope you will work
to get UK fully inside the European Union..."

The Rt Honourable Mr. Michael Howard QC MP Leader of the British Opposition UK Parliament  Nov 29th,2005
Comment from Mr. Howard: "We appreciate you bringing your attachments regarding 
'Britishness' to our attention, your comments have been noted.."

The Rt Honourable Mr. David Cameron MP Leader of the British Opposition UK Parliament Dec 20th,2005 
British Prime Minister 2010)

Office of the Rt Hon Prime Minister of Israel Mr. Benjamin Netanyahu January 3rd 2012

The Honourable Senator Ms. Fiona Nash - Australia October 26th,2009

The Honourable Senator Ms. Claire Moore Queensland, Australia January 2nd 2006
The Honourable Mr. Thomas McEllistrim TD Member of the Parliament of Ireland October 12th,2009
The Honourable Ms. Rita Dionne-Marsolais Présidente du Caucus des d
éputé(e)s du Parti Québécois October 23rd, 2007
The Honourable Mr. Charles Chauvel, MP (Labour Party) Member
of the New Zealand Parliament Febuary 19th, 2008
The Honourable Ms. Maureen Pugh, Member of the Parliament of
New Zealand, May 12th, 2019 - Comment from Ms Pugh:

Thank you for your message Michael. It will take some time
to sink in as there is lots of food for thought. Lovely to hear
of your connection with New Zealanders. All the best. Maureen

The Honourable Mr. Oliver Letwin, MP Member of the British Parliament Febuary 2nd, 2008
The Honourable Mr. David Drew, MP Member of the British
Parliament April 25th 2019
The Honourable Mr. Henry Smith, MP British Member of
Parliament April 28th 2019

Office of the Rt. Hon. Prime Minister of Scotland
Mr. Alex Salmond , Jan 31st, 2008

The Honourable United States Senator Mr. Byron Dorgan (on illegal immigration) November 12th,2007

Office of the Rt. Honourable Prime Minister Mr. Stephen Harper -
Canada, December 13th, 2006 and several instances in 2010 and
March 21st 2012

The Honourable Ms. Diane F. Griffin Senator of Canada
May 23rd 2019

(comment from Senator Diane Griffin: "
thank you for your note
" - sent in response to our piece on British stance at the EU against expanded EU dominance on planet)

The Honourable Mr. Tomáš Zdechovský, MEP Czech Member of the
European Parliament on June 12th and 13th 2019 said thanks for
our information on our Court submissions back in 2010

The Honourable Ms. Rona Ambrose, Minister Government
Services- Canada February 8th, 2011

The Honourable Ms. Lisa Raitt Minister of Labour Canada October 25th 2011

The Honourable State Representative Ms. Susan Lynn, of Tennessee USA!
April 12th, 2010 - Comment from Rep Susan Lynn:
... I stand as a concerned American on these issues just as
you do. Thank you very much for your hard work and effort.
I do believe we can all make a difference...

City Councillor The Honourable Mr. Jack Evans, Washington DC, October 29th, 2007, April 15th 2010

Representative The Honourable Mr. Lynn D. Stewart -
June 9th 2010
"Affirmative Action is no longer needed"

The Honourable Ms. Jane McKenna Ontario MPP wrote to us
on December 22nd 2019 to express her view that despite our
stated objections in this ragards, the nincompoops at the
Ontario Legislature see fit to harm women and children in
a completely insane minded hell bent descision to inflict
pit-bull dogs into our environment by repealing a long
standing liberal introduced ban against them a while back.
This mindset has to go.
Regime change SVP!!!!!!!!!!!!!
menacing pitbull look

youtube song video shown above: "I dont wanna play in your
yard" (sung by dear Ms. Peggy Lee)

The Honourable State of Arkansas Attorney General
Mr. Dustin McDaniel February 4th, 2008

The Honourable State of Oklahoma Attorney General Mr. W.A. Drew Edmondson January 30th, 2008
The Honourable Premier of New Brunswick, Canada - Mr. Shawn Graham February 15th, 2008
The Honourable Mr Robert Goodwill MP, Opposition Whip - British Parliament January 20th, 2007
The Honourable Mr Douglas Gibson MP, Chief Whip of the DA South African Parliament July 6th, 2005
The Honourable Mr. Andrew Murrison M.P. UK Parliament,
March 17th, 2010
The Honourable Mr Boris Johnson MP, (Shadow) Education
Minister - British Parliament January 22th, 2007
The Honourable Mr. Helmut Kuhne MEP German Member of the
European Parliament January 29th, 2007
The Honourable Mr. Bill Newton Dunn Member of the European
Parliament (Conrad Black affair) November 12th, 2007
The Honourable Mr. Yvon Godin MP "D
éputé" Member of
Parliament of Canada January 29th, 2007
The Honourable Mr. Terry Morrow, State Representative,
State of Minnesota, March 21st, 2010
The Honourable Senator Mr. Denis Nolan State of
Nevada USA November 7th, 2007
The Honourable Mr. Danie Reed Member of the Mississippi
House of Representatives November 7th, 2007
The Honourable Senator Mr. Dwayne Umbarger State
of Kansas March 11th, 2010
The Honourable Mr. Bill Otto Member of the Kansas State
Assembly USA November 12th, 2007
The Honourable Senator Mr. John Douglas State of
Georgia USA November 12th, 2007

The Honourable Mr. Michael (Mike) Jaros Member of the
Minnesota State Assembly USA April 26th,2006

Comment from Mr. Jaros (RE:Draft Cuomo campaign)
"Hi and thank you for the update. Add my name, if it will
help. Rep.Mike Jaros, Dist.7B from Duluth, Minnesota..."

The Honourable Mr. Joe Mioli Member of the Connecticut
State General Assembly USA April 11th,2006
from the hon. Mr. Mioli:

"Dear Michael, I do support increased immigration from
Europe to the USA. As a former Italian immigrant and
presently a State Representative to the Connecticut
General Assembly I applaud your idea.
Best Regards, Joe."

The Rt Honourable Mr. David Davis Conservative MP British
Parliament December 14th, 2005
The Honourable Mr. John Tory MPP Leader of the Official
Opposition Ontario Legislature October 20th,2005
The Honourable Mr. Aloyzas Sakalas MEP Lithuanian Member
of the European Parliament June 6th, 2006
The Honourable Mr. Philip Gallie MSP Member of the Scottish
Parliament December 12th,2005
The Honourable Ms. Carole Taylor MLA BC Minister of Finance
January 6th, 2006
The Honourable Ms. Kathy Goudie MHA Hon. Member of the
Newfoundland Assembly Oct 13th, 2005
The Honourable Mr. Arnold Schwarzenegger California
Governor May 4th, 2006
The Honourable Governor  Mr. Martin O'Malley Maryland
May 25th, 2010
The Honourable Mr. Michael Bryant BA LLM MPP Attorney
General of Ontario December 20th,2005
The Honourable Mr. Greg Sorbara MPP Ontario Minister
of Finance December 16th,2005
The Honourable Ms. Sandra Pupatello MPP Ontario
Minister, Womens Issues Oct 20th, 2005
The Honourable Mr. Lawrence S. Bergman MNA Quebec
Minister Of Revenue, April 19th,2006
The Honourable Dr. Jon Gerrard MP Leader of the Liberal
Party of Manitoba January 3rd, 2006
The Honourable Mr. Terry Morrow Asst Majority Leader, Minnesota House of Assembly, January 4th, 2010 
The Honourable Senator Mr. Branden Petersen, State of Minnesota, February 20th, 2015
The Honourable Senator Mr. Bill Morrisette, State of
Oregon USA, May 3rd, 2006
The Honourable Ms. Kate Harper, State Representative Pennyslvania April 6th, 2010
The Honourable Senator Mr. Dale Miller, State of Ohio
USA, May 4th, 2006, October 27th 2009
The Honourable Mr. J. David Knox, Member of the New
Hampshire Legislature USA, May 14th, 2006
The Honourable Mr. Christopher Stone, Member, State
legislature, State of Connecticut USA, January 26th, 2007
The Honourable Senator Mr. Bob Coffin, State of Nevada USA, December 11th, 2006
The Honourable Senator Mr. John Douglas, State of Georgia
USA, May 14th, 2006
The Honourable Ms. Bonnie Mitchell, Member of the New
Hampshire Legislature USA, May 3rd, 2006
The Honourable Mr. Johnnie Bolin, Member of the Arkansasa Assembly USA, May 5th, 2006
The Honourable Mr. Daniel Guice, Member of the Legislature,
State of Mississipi USA, May 8th, 2006
The Honourable Ms. Margaret Craven, Member of the State Legislature, State of Maine USA, May 3rd, 2006
The Honourable Ms. Betty Hall, Member of the State
Legislature, New Hampshire USA, May 3rd, 2006
The Honourable Senator Mr. Roger H. Bedford, State of
Alabama USA April 11th,2006
The Honourable Senator Mr. Joe sam Queen, State of North Carolina USA October 27th,2009
The Honourable Mr. Larry Converse Member of the New
Hampshire Legislature USA April 26th,2006
The Honourable Ms. Sara Lampe, Member of the Missouri
House of Representatives January 5th, 2010
The Honourable Mr. Bill Kennemer, Oregon State
Representative January 5th, 2010
The Honourable Mr. Thomas Donovan Member of the New
Hampshire Legislature USA April 22nd,2006
The Honourable Mr. Garett J. Bradley Member of the Massachusetts Legislature USA October 28th,2009
The Honourable Mr. Timothy Robertson Member of the New Hampshire Legislature USA April 21st,2006
The Honourable Mr. Steve Howard Member of the Vermont Legislature USA May 4th,2006
The Honourable Mr. Christopher Bray, Member of the Vermont Legislature, October 27, 2009
The Honourable Mr. Gerry Lange Member of the South Dakota Legislature USA April 30th,2006
The Honourable Ms. Margaret May MP Member of The
Liberal Party , Australia March 6th 2006
The Honourable Mr. Peter Milliken M.P.  Speaker of The
Canadian Parliament  Sep 7th, 2005
The Honourable Ms. Leona Dombrowsky MPP Ontario Minister, Agriculture Oct 20th, 2005
The Honourable Anne McLellan Deputy Canadian Prime Minster September 19th,2005
The Honourable Senator of Canada The Hon. Ms. Marie P.
(Charette) Poulin August 30, 2005
The Honourable Senator of Canada Ms. Raynell Andreychuk
(Frmr Judge) August 23, 2005
The Honourable Mike Hancock Liberal Democrat Member of the British Parliament August 23, 2005
The Honourable Mr. Dial Jones MP Critic - Attorney General
and Justice, New Zealand September 14th, 2005
The Honourable Ms. Lucienne Robillard Canadian Intergovernmental Minister, September 29th, 2005
The Honourable Mr. Bill Graham MP PC QC Canadian Minister of Defence, August 22nd, 2005
The Honourable Mr. John Ferguson Godfrey Cdn Minister of
State - Communities August/Oct 14th, 2005
The Honourable Mr. Clint Dunford MLA Alberta Minister of
Development September 28th, 2005
The Honourable Mr. Larry Bagnell MP Critic Opposition
Northern affairs  October 25th, 2009 
The Honourable Mr. Vic Toews Conservative MP for
Provencher April 25th, 2006
The Honourable Mr. Joe Preston MP for Elgin-Middlesex-London
October 20th, 2005
The Honourable Mr. James Rajotte MP for Edmonton, Alberta October 18th, 2005
The Honourable Mr. Mark Inky MP for Manitoba
August 25th, 2005
The Honourable Ms. Susan Kramer Liberal Democrat MP
British Parliament December 13th, 2005
The Honourable Mrs. Sian James Labour MP British Parliament December 14th, 2005
The Honourable Mr. Francis Maude Conservative MP British Parliament December 13th, 2005
The Honourable Mrs. Anne Milton Conservative MP British Parliament December 13th, 2005
The Honourable Mr. John Randall Conservative MP British Parliament December 13th, 2005
The Honourable Mr. Bill Wiggin Conservative MP British
Parliament December 13th, 2005
The Honourable Mr. Oliver Letwin Conservative MP British Parliament December 13th, 2005
The Honourable Mr. Robert Key Conservative MP British
Parliament December 13th, 2005
The Honourable Mr. David Laws Liberal Democrat MP British Parliament December 13th, 2005

The Honourable Mr.  Rob Nicholson, Minister of Justice, Govt of Canada,  November 25th, 2010
The Honourable MP Ms. Libby Davies October 24th, 2005
The Honourable Mr. John Williams MP Edmonton (anti-Corruption committee) April 18, 2006
The Honourable Mr. Lee Richardson MP for Calgary Former Chief of Staff PM Office August 24th, 2005
The Honourable Mr. Roy Jankielsohn DA Member of Parliament, South Africa March 12th, 2005
The Honourable Mike Colle Ontario Minister of Citizenship and Immigration, Sep 29/05
The Honourable Mr. Jason Dearborn MLA of Saskatchewan (Telephoned us) September 19th, 2005
The Honourable Mr. Ted McMeekin Member of the Ontario Parliament August/Oct 13th, 2005
The Honourable Mr. Mario G. Racco Member of the Ontario Parliament March 6th, 2006
The Honourable Mr. George VanderBurg MLA Minister of Government Services, Alberta April 9th, 2006
The Honourable Mr. Jack Penner frmr Manitoba Minister of Natural Resources July 8th, 2005
The Honourable Mr. Denis Herard Member of the Alberta Legislature July 9th, 2005
The Honourable Mr. Nicholas Simons MLA NDP Member of the BC Legislature Oct 13th, 2005
The Honourable Mr. Brian Kenny MLA Opp Member of the New Brunswick Legislature Oct 13th, 2005
The Honourable Mr. Peter Kent Minister for the Environment - Canada February 16th, 2012

Office of The Rt Honourable Mr. Justin Trudeau, Prime
Minister of Canada, (J.P. Vachon Manager, Executive Correspondence Services) June 28th, 2019
(The PMO also forwarded our note to the esteemed
Governor General Ms. Julie Payette)

Office of The Honourable Ms. Jennifer Maccarone, Member,
Quebec National Assembly (Ms. Sabrina Chartrand, Policy
Advisor) May 23rd, 2019
Office of The Honourable Senator R
ónán Mullen of Ireland,
April 23rd 2019
Office of The Honourable Mr. Bobby Aylward TD Member of
the Parliament of Ireland, April 17th and 28th 2019
Office of The Honourable Ms. Nathalie Des Rosiers Former
Minister and current Ottawa MPP , April 23rd 2019
Office of the Honourable Ms. Sonia Furstenau British
Columbia MLA, April 19th 2019

Office of the Honourable Ms. Julie Bishop MP Shadow Foreign Minister - Australia, March 21st, 2010
(Ms. Rachel Gunderson - asst)
Office of The Honorable Senator Troy Hebert, State
of Louisiana (Ms. Stacy Babineaux Daigle - Asst)
several instances in 2010
Office of the Honourable Senator Chris Tefler State of
Oregon - through
Chief of staff Ms. Tiffany Tefler
Office of the Honourable Ms. Helena Guergis, Minister of
State - Canada March 20th, 2010, July 22nd, 2010
Office of the Governor of the State of Florida, the Honourable
Mr. Charlie Crist, April 8, 2008
Office of The Hon Ms. Line Beauchamp, Quebec Minister Infrastructural assets, October 29, 2007
Office of The Hon M. Yvon Marcoux, Minister of Justice and
Attorney General - Quebec, January 18th, 2007
Office of The Hon Mr. Michael McDowell, Minister of Justice - Ireland, January 11th, 2006
Office of The Hon Ms. Jos
ée Verner, Canada - Minister of Official Languages, April 9, 2008
Office of The Hon Monsieur Pierre Paquette Quebec MP, November 20th, 2007
Office of The Hon Mr. Jim Prentice QC MP, Member of Parliament Canada May 23, 2008
Office of The Honourable Mr. Peter Baco MEP Slovak Member
of the European Parliament June 6th, 2006
Office of The Hon Ms. Ruth Dyson, Minister - ACC, New Zealand January 18th, 2007
Office of The Honourable A. Anne McLellan Minister of Justice
and Attorney General March 9th, 2000
Office of The Honourable Mr. Gilles Bernier, M.P. December
1st 1999
Office of The Hon Premier of Saskatchewan Mr. Brad Wall
October 28th, 2009
Office of The Honourable Mr. Don Boudria, M.P. - Minister & Government House Leader November 5th 1999
Office of The Honourable Mr. Lloyd Axworthy Minister of
Foreign Affairs November 12th, 1999
Office of The Honourable Mr. Lawrence MacAulay, Solicitor General of Canada November 4th, 1999
Office of the Rt. Honourable Prime Minister Mr. Paul
Martin - Canada, October 19th, 2005
Office of the Senate speaker Pro Tempore  Ms. Jamie Woodson, State of Tennessee  January 5th, 2010
Office of The Honourable Senator Troy Hebert, State of
Louisiana, March 11th, 2010
Office of the Honourable Mr. Mike Lake, Member of Parliament
of Canada March 17th, 2010
Office of the Honourable Mr. Alex Atamenko, Member of
Parliament of Canada March 17th, 2010
Office of the Honourable Mr. Rob Moore, Member of
Parliament of Canada February 23rd, 2010
Office of the Honourable Ms. Laurie Hawn, Member of
Parliament of Canada February 22nd, 2010
Office of the Honourable Mr. Ed Doherty, Minister of
Government Services NB February 23, 2015
Citizensip and Immigration Canada on behalf of The
Hon. Mr. Joe Volpe, Minister, September 29th, 2005
BC Dept of Multiculturalism on behalf of The
Hon. John Van Dongen, Minister, Oct 20th, 2005
The Hon Mayor Mr. David Miller's office , Toronto
(response from City Librarian) April 13th, 2006
Ms. Antonia (on behalf of Councilor Peruzza -
Toronto) we thank her for her call October 28th, 2007
The Honourable Allan Rock Minister of Health 1997

Sir Michael Rizzo Chessman
(US) "Presidential" "Mug-shot" ha ha
Sir Michael Chessman "Presidential" "mug-shot" ha ha

Michael Rizzo Chessman
With ebay acquired russian "legal team"

Sir Nigel Farage - UK Leader at EU
The Rt. Honourable Sir Nigel Farage MEP Leading British Member of the European Parliament April 16th, 2010 Greatly insightful comment from Sir Nigel Farage:
(June 26th, 2006)

Thank you for your inspiring message, which cannot fail to preserve and enhance the influence of British values. These, I think you will agree,are everywhere under threat
from an insidious 'political correctness'..."

susan lynn emailed note

Mr. Paul Fromm - web based radio personality
Note received from Paul Fromm of the
Canadian Free  Speech movement
Tue, 14 Mar 2006 01:28:39

Dear Michael:

We need your strength.


Note was in response to our reply on an item
concerning the threat posed by China to the
West as we began our email campaign in
earnest on matters related, to most key
Public Officials in  many Western Countries.

Note: RE: The Canadian Heritage Alliance Hearing
before The Canadian Human Rights Tribunal

When Miss Melissa Guille of "The Canadian
Heritage  Alliance" (website founder) was
before The Canadian Human rights tribunal
for views appearing at her website, we sent
the following submission on her behalf and
as interested parties in the affair: (link below:)


Following this appeal, and when the decision
in her matters was announced we received
a copy of the judgment from Paul Fromm who
was in Ottawa with melissa Guille, and further
to that a nice note from Melissa Guille
personally thanking us for intervening on
her behalf and for  the great  sense of
"fairness" we showed in what  it is we said
in  regards to The Tribunal regarding the

advert request

Fraulein Ms. Helene Fischer
is additionally worth all our efforts!

Michael Rizzo Chessman
Mr. michael Chessman
1999 Newspaper photo taken

Brother of NDP Leader fromIndia is anti police here
The brother of the third major Political
party in Canada - The NDP is pictured
here with a sign calling for violent
attitudes to prevail by his lot against the
Police in Canada! Yet his brother might
just be PM here yet if they aren't
stopped in this drive for such power

Sir Michael Chessman

So anxious is this member to rudely denounce
our Rt Hon Prime Minister over a fair enough
quote of Obama's British related comments
that he forgets that it was not the British
that kicked his lot out of East Africa. It was
Obama's kin in next door Uganda Idi Amin. So why
the naked hostile manner of this sort of attack
referring to our Prime Minister as "foul
mouthed" with NO justification for such hostility
within the chambers whatsoever! Where's the
sergeant at arms when he's most needed to
eject such as a hostile member from the

Yet another shining example of expert handling
of a situation in Parliamentary procedure by
the appointed British Member finally presiding
as Chair.

Letter to Editor by Michael E. Chessman
September 19th, 2005 The following statement
by Michael was printed by the editors of

"In order for life to be supported, there must
be a meaningful existence at stake. The pain and
suffering of all involved must be considered. If
life can only be justified on the basis that life
is always a right and must be sustained only
for this reason, then I suggest that we are
being irrationally defensive rather than truly

Michael Chessman (also founder -

Radio coverage
Mr. Chessman appeared on several talk
shows on Radio in 1999 including
CJOB Manitoba
and stations in Edmonton, Vancouver and a
Syndicated program across Canada

In the CJOB interview there was great
controversy as a result of Mr. Chessman's
insistence that we only hire"the most competent
to ensure "FAIRNESS".

Michael was invited by Melbourne's 3AW radio
to speak on issues that had led to riots in
Australia relating to racial unrest.

A comment on the definition of "racism" versus

The presence of mind which comes from a
sense of racial identification, factors of birth
related thereto, sense of ultimate loyalty in
this regard to those which whom you therefore
relate to in some manner on the planet of your
genre, all this sort of mental activity and
related precepts is what we would rightly see
as being involved in the exercise of being
"racially aware" or simply "racism" as
practiced therefore through such mind
functioning of relating on the basis of one's
race, by all living beings, in actual fact.

It is not "racism" which is at fault in what are
miscarriages of justice but rather forms of

A further definition would be useful perhaps in
this regards. "Discrimination" is the process of
what's involved when picking between

When practicing racism (as all do by definition
as previously indicated in the preceding part of
this explanation) care must be taken to ensure
the right outcome rather than being "politically
correct" or otherwise willing to see an evil
outcome by making unfair choices - when
considered by standards of truest Christianly
ideas of virtuous merit I say.

Michael Rizzo Chessman
Leader - Founder

(Please quote with credit) 

Graphic design below by Creston Valley
Advance (BC Newspaper)

Coalition Leader in fancy dress
(union jack added 2006 in upper corner)


Our Policy Statement advert biggest
single run

(20 million potential readers)
was in Newsweek Magazine
Newsweek magazine issue - fullpage ad
(full page - Feb 20th issue US/Canada)

When we contacted former Lousiana
Governor candidate and White fairness issues
Public Opinion Leader there at the time
David Duke in the US regarding the above
advert after it had run, he responded with
an email saying he perhaps would like to have
co-operated with us in the future with such
efforts as they seemed to him to be
aimed at no doubt. He asked only that we
"send him some [further] details"

David Duke - Former Lousiana State representative

Policy Statement Advertisement
Full Page
Colour - October 1999 issue

Policy Statement Advertisement (2000)
(With A reach of Two million readers worldwide)

The National Post

(Half page coverage)
November 20th, 1999   
featured Mr. Michael Rizzo Chessman
Mr. Michael Chessman
Euro British Coalition 
25 The Esplanade
Box 5864 
Toronto Ontario Canada

  (Tel) 416-900-5754


Videocall-linkup interviews also available
Michael Rizzo Chessman
Mr. Michael Rizzo Chessman
Pressphotos available as may be additionally requested

Thanks to both google plus yahoo premium email
services- great christianly spirited folk there
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for premium services even - would you believe!

The best webhost and domain provider in the
business without a doubt in our  own experience
has to be thanks greatly folks for
everything!  god bless!

same old fashioned values of actual
humanly Kindness of truest chivalric virtue!!
UK Flag

virus protection by Kaspersky anti-virus
protection software - best in the business!
(Only problem to watch for is when google's
Chrome browser software defaults to calling
up a website using https:// rather than http://
(they are trying to force folks into using
potentially costly "military grade" encyption
seeming otherwise chrome's default choice
makes kaspersky join in with a "prevented
from visiting untustworthy website" nuisance
error message WTF!!!! both chrome and
kaspersky have to quit acting this way towards
our users.  already told 'em at kaspersky -
still waiting. use firefox or force chrome to
call up websites using http:// default method
(non encryption default method everyone else
uses by default fer crissakes)