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Irish offerings!!

  top pick

top pick   Bacardi Breezer - 4.5% Rum content
tasty Bacardi BREEZER
- with Rum
% alcohol  

smirnof vodka
top pick

Napoleon French Brandy!!!
top pick

top pick
Hennesy Cognac


   "A good Gin and Tonic (or bottle of port even more I say)
has saved many a man more than all the doctors put together" 
Sir Winston Churchill (paraphrased quote)

german wine


 Best wine regions
and picks throughout europe, americas,
australia, south africa
   top pick       top pick           top pick                                  top pick
                                                                                             PORT (20%) is best wine pick!
     Wallaroo Trail _ Shiraz    Brights 74 port
                                                                                              		My favourite choice of wine for many years has
                                                                                              		been the (under $15) Shiraz from Wallaroo Trail 
                                                                                              		(made in Australia and with Canadian grapes
                                                                                             		used too) Available in Canada through 
                                                                                              		"Wine Rack" locations too -
                                                                                              		now switched to drinking mainly "brights 74" 
                                                                                              		750ml 18 percent Port (Tawny) (fortified wine) 
                                                                                              		$10 bottle  in Toronto - only stocked 
                                                                                              		at better LCBO store locations (closed mondays?!)
                                                                                              		(Niagara region produced) order same day pickup
				                                                          		My most fav now includes "Regency canadian fine old" 
                                                                                              		- any "port" style fortified wine - 20% alc approx - 
                                                                                              		should do just fine!!) why settle for less, I ask!!!!!! 
                                                                                              		(prefer port to sherry)


Cesari wines are from from Italy
wine from Portugal!
Mateus Rose!            Shiraz wine from
                                 Frontera (Chile!!)
         Frontera - Shiraz
top pick                           top pick

 a greatest irish
spirited (swedish
wild berry offering)
 top pick

Dear kaley cuoco loves
my favourite brand of vodka
too it would appear (I love
the smirnoff ice coolers
most of all - and vodka 
with orange juice - why not!!) 

dear Kaley cuoco - seeming too to be a smirnoff top fan

My favourite drink at the
bar at present is "Smirnoff"
beats the awful taste of most
beers all te hell by relative

same ten bucks for a case of four 
as buyin a lousy tastin case of 
beer by comparison instead - 
dont get took!

(molson cold shots 4pk $5Cdn are
great too if you want good beer)

A fully 1 litre bottle of Smirnoff (the best!)
is only $7 Cdn at the LCBO - why not for a ten
at the bar (plus tip of course - tax already 
included I suggest)

Smirnofftop pick
 my favourite drink!!

other similar options:
poppers hard ice from quebectop pick

Mikes Hard lemonade - by the case even! top pick



Wyndham Estates Wines - Australia


Pick up some nice
wine glasses in real crystal 
from Ireland and elsewhere
in Europe - great for Port and
 Sherry equally!
    Sommersby Cider (Denmark produced)
Belgian designed pewter
goblets are nice too!

top pick
A New Zealand Irish Cream
"Mudshake" (French vanilla)
is a "must have" whenever
you shop at the store
or visit at the Pub"!!!!!!!!!
(available now at the LCBO

stores in canada!)!

(Not yet once again available
locally is the supremely delicious
Koala real fruit drinks formerly
from Australia's great producers)


Blue Nun
German wine!
top pick

top pick


          top pick
Black Tower is popular too! 


andres "port'
top pick                                 
Fortified wine (Port) is not widely enough
available here at reasonable price points
The most delicious fortified wine pick I've found is
Andre's Golden Cream around just ten bucks
- fully 18% alcohol content. Nice!  

win producershiraz
the best shiraz for my own
desire - (Dutch branded)
from such as is therefore
south africa's best we find
anywhere on the globe
we must protect this harvest
of our own toil for all time



Mr. Michael Rizzo Chessman - supporttheirishspirit.com

Fantastic cheap new discovery at Ontario
Beer store outlets - why not LCBO too!
"Sherry" type offering "Bootleg grape"
pick from "Johnny's bootleg" stash!
Great taste, unbeatable price, right size!
(Other flavours optionally available too)

Johnnys grape

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christmas cheer spirits everyone